
Why Gap Analysis Is Not for the Faint of Heart

Why Gap Analysis Is Not for the Faint of Heart Zcom Solutions GAP analysis

Gap analysis, the comparison of the current state of a business process with the desired future state, is one of the key elements of business process improvement (BPI). Conducting a gap analysis helps an organization focus on the true problem areas of a process and make informed decisions about how best to correct those problems […]

ZCom Solutions Growth Spurs Expansion With Ireland-Based Operations Center

ZCom Solutions Growth Spurs Expansion With Ireland-Based Operations Center Zcom Solutions expansion

ZCom Solutions Growth Spurs Expansion With Ireland-Based Operations Center   New Irish entity, based in Swords, offers ECM and ERP software solutions and business transformation advisory services. SWORDS, Ireland — October 30, 2019 — ZCom Solutions International Ltd., a newly formed Irish business transforming enterprises and governments with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Enterprise Resource […]

How OnBase ECM Can Turbocharge Accounts Payable (AP)

How OnBase ECM Can Turbocharge Accounts Payable (AP) Zcom Solutions ecm

How OnBase ECM Can Turbocharge Accounts Payable (AP)   With ECM, you can redirect staff efforts to higher-value tasks, reduce risk to the organization, and improve access and transparency, making better decisions, faster. Get the basics, in five minutes or less. After reading through the slide deck, check out the blog series, “Moving Beyond Cost […]

Myth Buster: KPI Is Not a Buzzword

Myth Buster: KPI Is Not a Buzzword Zcom Solutions KPI

“KPI” (short for “key performance indicator”) is a term that is quite popular in business parlance; some would even call it a buzzword, but I object to that label. A buzzword, as defined by Webster, is “a word or phrase used by members of some in-group, having little or imprecise meaning but sounding impressive to […]

Benchmarking 101

Benchmarking 101 Zcom Solutions benchmarking

The saying goes, If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. Having no objective or goal may work for those who are comfortable wandering aimlessly through life, but it won’t work in business; indeed, that aimless philosophy is the antithesis of business process improvement (BPI). An organization that wants […]

ECM Challenges for Caribbean Organizations

ECM Challenges for Caribbean Organizations Zcom Solutions ecm challenges

Once a Caribbean organization decides to deploy an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system, the biggest challenges it will face are continuity of connectivity, change management, and cultural adjustment. This is the second article in a three-part series. Read the first part here. Continuity of Connectivity. Currently, there are gaps and inconsistencies in the level of […]

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