
Zcom Solutions GAP analysis

Why Gap Analysis Is Not for the Faint of Heart

November 8, 2019

Gap analysis, the comparison of the current state of a business process with the desired future state, is one of the key elements of business process improvement (BPI). Conducting a gap analysis helps an organization focus on the true problem areas of a process and make informed decisions about how best to correct those problems […]

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Zcom Solutions KPI

Myth Buster: KPI Is Not a Buzzword

October 18, 2019

“KPI” (short for “key performance indicator”) is a term that is quite popular in business parlance; some would even call it a buzzword, but I object to that label. A buzzword, as defined by Webster, is “a word or phrase used by members of some in-group, having little or imprecise meaning but sounding impressive to […]

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Zcom Solutions benchmarking

Benchmarking 101

September 18, 2019

The saying goes, If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. Having no objective or goal may work for those who are comfortable wandering aimlessly through life, but it won’t work in business; indeed, that aimless philosophy is the antithesis of business process improvement (BPI). An organization that wants […]

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Zcom Solutions ecm in the caribbean

Considering ECM in the Caribbean? Here’s some advice.

August 19, 2019

Caribbean organizations can maximize the transformative benefits of deploying and operating an ECM platform by taking these three pieces of advice to heart.

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Zcom Solutions ecm challenges

ECM Challenges for Caribbean Organizations

August 8, 2019

Once a Caribbean organization decides to deploy an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system, the biggest challenges it will face are continuity of connectivity, change management, and cultural adjustment. This is the second article in a three-part series. Read the first part here. Continuity of Connectivity. Currently, there are gaps and inconsistencies in the level of […]

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How Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Can Positively Impact Organizations in the Caribbean

July 17, 2019

How Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Can Positively Impact Organizations in the Caribbean   The benefits of Enterprise Content Management are well documented. Cost reduction is the primary reason why many organizations pursue ECM in the first place, and then they typically discover along the way that there are opportunities to improve customer service, maximize staff […]

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Return on investment

Avoid These Pitfalls to Maximize ECM ROI

April 18, 2019

What can you do during implementation to maximize the returns on your ECM investment?

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Return on investment

7 Ways to Increase the ROI on Your ECM Investment

March 9, 2019

7 Ways to Increase the ROI on Your ECM Investment   All men (and women!) may be created equal, but not all ECM applications are. Some ECM applications offer extensibility, i.e., features that can help you “hyperscale your ROI” in the future. As you evaluate ECM options, pay attention to these 7 features that could […]

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