
The Fine Art of Creating Winners, in a Business Process Improvement Effort

The Fine Art of Creating Winners, in a Business Process Improvement Effort Business planning

The Fine Art of Creating Winners, in a Business Process Improvement Effort   Are you a “glass half full” kind of person? There’s much to be said for seeing business process improvement (BPI) opportunities through optimistic eyes. After all, the whole point of the effort is to make a process better and thereby deliver valuable […]

4 Things to Consider Before Choosing a New Software

4 Things to Consider Before Choosing a New Software RPA

4 Things to Consider Before Choosing a New Software   Those looking for advice on how best to execute a major ECM or ERP implementation, a digital transformation involving workflow and document sharing, or indeed a major software acquisition of any kind, will find no shortage on the web of white papers, checklists, blog posts, […]

People of ZCom

People of ZCom

ROBYN JAMES  How long have you been working with ZCom Solutions?   I have been with ZCom for 1 year in March 2021.   What is your role? Senior Project & Support Consultant   How would you describe a typical workday? Fast paced! We are fortunate to be in the middle of many huge exciting […]

New Year, New ERP?

New Year, New ERP?

January can be a quiet, reflective month for a lot of companies after a hectic year end. This period of time offers an opportunity to take a good look at your current in-house operating systems and ask yourself if it is not, at long last, time to make a change? This may seem like difficult […]

Why you should be Contracting with Premium Support Services

Why you should be Contracting with Premium Support Services

Why you should be Contracting with Premium Support Services   IT  support is an important part of the everyday operations of all Companies. Premium Support Services are on-call contract services for a particular software program or many programs and databases that extends past the manufacturer’s warranty support on the product.  Premium Services Support takes it one step further and actually supports the use of the […]

Insurance Industry laid bare by Remote Working

Insurance Industry laid bare by Remote Working

Remote working by thousands of Insurance staff has exposed problems facing the insurance industry.  The elephant in the room is that they are running legacy systems that work, however the core databases and applications do not communicate, and/or are not connected.   This causes major problems with compliance, remote working, secure document exchange and client communications.   The core issues can […]

Business Continuity, Why is it so important?

Business Continuity, Why is it so important? Zcom Solutions benchmarking

With the ongoing pandemic Covid-19 – there has never been a more relevant time for businesses to think about Business Continuity. Just a few short months ago as we where ringing in the New Year no one could have imagined that within the space of a few weeks the Global Economy would come to a […]

Implementing OnBase ECM in your business

Implementing OnBase ECM in your business

Because it’s not business as usual anymore, and now is the time to accelerate automation in business processes  One of the things we’ve learned from the current economic shock is that “it’s not business as usual” anymore. Taking care of business in our new normal means rethinking how we can apply technology to… Provide employees, […]

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